Wednesday, September 3, 2008



Economical can be a fact increasing this phenomenon of music reality tv among local television. Facts have proven that company and organizer which arrange this program will profit a lot of money. They get money from people who watching the show and sending SMS to vote candidates they like. How come people want to stop the program if they still and will get lots of money from the show?? This cause make this phenomenon (music reality tv program) on local television can’t stop and still available until today.

Another point is sponsors. Do we have any other way to stop this prob? If they still get sponsors for their program, sure they would not stop doing the show again. It’s difficult right? We would like to prevent it among local television, but another side like to sponsor it. So, if we want to block this show, we have to block the sponsors first.

to be continue......


theorymakers said...

Hi..i agree the program will profit a lot of money from who watching the show and this will become a serious problem because majority teenager watching the show
so they will waste the money in sms
and neglect their academic. So i think to solve this problem, our goverment have to stop the program.

theorymakers said...

Sorry..forgot mention the comment is post by Goh Chye Yin.