The phenomenon of using a sms and telephone to vote for you favourite contestant is a one of a scenario that happen among our people today. The presence of reality tv programme have give a big impact to our society today not only for children but also among young adults. When my group decide to choose this topic as our main topic for our blog, first thing that across in my mind is how interesting this topic that we will discuss and it was a coincidence because i am a fan of Reality Tv programme especially in an area of music because most of the contestant have their own ability and talents. But without our realize that these reality tv programmes leads to the some effects to our peoples . People vote for their favourite contestant and for this purpose they willing to sacrifice their money as long as the contestant will remains in a competition, in addition of that they also willing to waste a lots of money to buy a reload cards and this kind of attitude will not give any benefit to them. Are the contestant that their vote is deserve to be called as a winner for the competition? Well most of our people today just look at the appearance of the contestant and not the talents that their have, what is the point of making someone becomes popular but then we will waste our own money for that purpose. Not only in financial, our teenagers also will follow on what are their idol are wearing of and to make them becomes same as the idol, then they will waste their time hanging around at the shopping complex and try to get the same appearance. Some of our teenagers sometimes will consider the contestant in a reality programme as one of their idol and fashion icon and then will lead them to the wrong ways.
Hi..Actually i also like to watch reality TV likes competition of music,sometimes i also will vote for my favourite contestant. For me, i think this is waste money for vote for them, but if the contestant has ability and talents in this field,when they win in the competition, they will be popular. By the time, i think that it's worth it.
post by, Lai siow mei
Thank You for your commeny Lai, i was happy that you also one of the fan of reality tv, yes i do agree to what you say that it is worth it if they win the competition and they have the talents in a particular field. Although it is kind of waste money but we will become satisfied if our favourite contestant wins the competition.
Hi..I totally agree with you the contestant that their vote will become a winner for the competition but this is unfair for other participant so i never vote for my favourite contestant because that will waste my money and if the contestant has talents in this field, they will win the competition without waste our money to vote they.
Post by Goh Chye Yin
hi..i also one of the fan of reality Tv programme..my favourite programme is Akademi Fantasia. For me with this programme we can find to see the talent that someone have.
beside that, Malaysia also can publish the best singer in the world.
SMS was an interesting issue in the reality TV show. Yup... It is something that wastes our money. But, it is actually depend to individual. If they like to watch reality TV show as an entertainment, it's okay. But, it is something bad if they sacrifice their money to reload their prepaid card for voting everyday. I agree with you this kind of attitude will not give anything for us.
Hi..of course every body expecially teenagers like watch reality tv, i also.Example 'Akademi Fantasia' show,i will vote for my favourite contestant. I know it is waste my money but to make sure my favourite contestant win,i will do it.But now, i not do it again because i know this is waste my money or top-up.I can use it for call my parent.
post by,yati
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